Max Sleep Master Class 2022 by Dr. T.J. Osborne and Dr. Dahren Doss Click Here to View Slides … [Read more...]
Shoulder Protocol (level 1-3)
Level 1- Shoulder Protocol (open up chest) Chest Stretch Place hand flat on wall, in alignment with the shoulder (as shown in video). Fingers pointed straight down at the ground. First step, turn your head to the opposite direction of hand. Allow your chest to follow your head. 1 minute hold Lat Stretch Use door frame for this stretch. Place one hand on the door frame in alignment with hips (or lower), other hand over head, stretching one side of your body. Keep shoulders square and push hips in the opposite direction. 1 Minute on each side Modified … [Read more...]
Exercise: 30’s Click on the link to watch out YouTube video detailing how to perform these exercises! … [Read more...]
Stress, Sugar, & Inflammation Talk by Dr. T.J. Osborne & Dr. Steve Sherry
Love My Guts by Dr. Osborne, Dr. Sherry, Dr. Doss – 6/30/2021
This makeover class is for people who attended the Love my Guts makeover. Email us at or text us at (408)985-1111 for the password to access the video. … [Read more...]