Level 1- Shoulder Protocol (open up chest)
Chest Stretch
Place hand flat on wall, in alignment with the shoulder (as shown in video). Fingers pointed straight down at the ground. First step, turn your head to the opposite direction of hand. Allow your chest to follow your head.
1 minute hold
Lat Stretch
Use door frame for this stretch. Place one hand on the door frame in alignment with hips (or lower), other hand over head, stretching one side of your body. Keep shoulders square and push hips in the opposite direction.
1 Minute on each side
Modified Superman
Lie face down on the ground with wobble cushion under the belly. Relax glutes. Use upper back to lift chest and arms off ground (arms extended out with thumbs up).
Hold for 3 seconds and relax. Repeat 10-30 times.
Wall Angels
Stand flat against a wall. Ensuring that your glutes, mid back and head are touching the wall as much as possible (tighten core, sucking belly button to spine). Bring elbows close to torso and extend arms out like a “W”, the goal is to try and get your arms and hands to be flat against the wall as well. Next position would be a 90 degree angle with arms (like a goal post), bring arms flat to wall. Third and last position is extending arms above head to create a diamond position, fingers meeting overhead.
Hold each position for at least 1 minute (3 minutes total)
Level 2- Shoulder Protocol (strengthening your back)
Serratus Anterior Exercise
- Use Theraband (ask the front desk if you don’t have one), bent at the hips, trying to keep the back flat. Bring arms out and in. Try to bring your arms back as much as possible. 15 reps.
- Hold Theraband (wrists facing up) try to create a tension with the band in your hands (tightening it as much as you can). Keeping elbows at side and bring arms out about half way. Going in and out, in and out. Try to keep the shoulder blades together at all times through the exercise. Over time extend your arms at full range of motion. (hold at 3 sec pace) 5-10 reps.
Lower Trapezius Exercise
Lie face down on the ground with wobble disc under the belly. Bring arms out at a ‘T’ position, lift chest up and bring arms up to the ceiling (thumbs pointed up). Remember to keep your glutes relaxed.
Hold at 3 sec pace | 10-15 reps
Holding the same position, bring arms to the side, hands at a thumbs down position. Lift chest, lift hands.
Hold at 3 sec pace | 10-15 reps
Cat Cow
Start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders, and your knees directly under your hips. Place your shins and knees hip-width apart. Center your head in a neutral position.
- Begin by moving into Cow Pose: Inhale as you drop your belly towards the floor. Lift your chin and chest, and gaze up toward the ceiling.
- Broaden across your shoulder blades and draw your shoulders away from your ears.
- Next, move into Cat Pose: As you exhale, draw your belly to your spine and round your back toward the ceiling. The pose should look like a cat stretching its back.
- Release the crown of your head toward the floor, but don’t force your chin to your chest.
- Inhale, coming back into Cow Pose, and then exhale as you return to Cat Pose.
Level 3- Shoulder Exercises (lengthening the muscles)
- Lie with the roll placed in the mid thoracic area, knees bent and feet placed flat on floor. Brace with your abdominal muscles and extend over the roll. Then move the roll up or down slightly and repeat. Make sure you lift your buttocks off the ground and use your feet to slowly move the roll up and down your spine. Turning slightly to one side or the other will provide a rotational mobilization as well.
- Begin with arms bent at the elbows at 90 degrees just above your shoulders. Slowly bring your arms and elbows down while keeping your chin tucked and both your back and wrists flat as possible on the floor. The goal here is to feel the bottom of your shoulder blades squeezed together without hinging at your wrists or back