Cancer Killer Cliff Notes Battle Ready PPT.pptx … [Read more...]
Kickstart Your Metabolism – Power of Mindset
Kickstart Your Metabolism – New Food Pyramid
Feet Strengthening Exercises
Feet Strengthening Exercises … [Read more...]
SI Joint Protocol
Three exercises for SI Joint Pain The SI joints are the sacroiliac joints are the junction between the pelvis and the lowest part of the spine. That makes them really important. They're the junction between the upper body and the lower body. In every case where we have a client who comes into the clinic with SI joint pain the spine and the hip and pelvic girdle are out of position. These three exercises are designed to put them back. Now before we start a few ground rules first these exercises are not designed to be medical advice; it's always a great idea to consult a medical professional to … [Read more...]