Exposed To A Healthy Immune System – Weekly Wellness Wisdom
The word exposed has been on my heart as of late and I wanted to share it with you today. First the word exposed is on my heart because on April 12th we are doing the Maximized Living Makeover with a focus on exposure to toxins. As Americans we are exposed!
- Over 3,000 toxins in our foods
- 80-90 vaccinations are given to our kids
- Our drinking water has over 100 chemicals found in it
- The blood stream of an average American has 100’s of harmful chemicals in it.
- We take 72% of the world’s drugs….all toxic!
- And on, and on, and on.
Toxins cause disease. Decreasing and getting them out of our body is now not opinion it is a truth. Are you 100% sure you know the right products to buy and the protocols for getting toxins out? Now that you have taking the steps, by watching the Toxicity Makeover, the second form of exposure I want to touch on is this, WHO ARE YOU SHARING THIS INFORMATION WITH? The mission of Discover Chiropractic is to EXPOSE the two million people in our area to the truth about health and the destruction of our current health model. Every single person, excluding no one, deserves to know what you are being exposed to as a MaxLiving patient. The makeover you are going to watch does just that, it exposes.
- Exposes the lies of modern medicine.
- Exposes the shocking truth about toxins and where they come from.
- Exposes the myths about true health.
- Exposes the lack of understand of health.
- Exposes the harsh truth of how important your health is to living out your potential and purpose.
- It also exposes people to an answer to their prayers for health and gives them back their life from the shackles of disease and medications.
Thank God someone exposed you! So what is next… THE IMMUNITY MASTER CLASS on Monday October 24th. Think of your immune system as a powerful army that includes specialized cells, enzymes, and antibodies. A healthy immune system is always active, alert, and ready to attack the viruses and other invaders that can cause your body harm. However, when the immune system becomes weak and can’t fight those germs, you’re more likely to get sick. When you do, the symptoms tend to be stronger and last longer with a weak immune system. Your body was designed to heal itself, and the immune system is its first line of defense. When you remove what interferes with that process and provide the right support, your immune system can stay strong and fight the germs that make you sick. Join us at the Immunity Master Class to recondition your approach to healthcare. At this Master Class you will:
✔ Uncover the common foods and toxins destroying your health.
✔ Discover the connection between the gut and immunity.
✔ Identify the 3 keys to build a titanium immune system.
✔ Expose the truth behind auto immunity and cancer prevention.
Don’t let your family and friends just stay at home. Some may not take action, but ALL must be exposed! YOU are responsible for the people around you to get them this information. Sign them up and give them a chance. It may be a little uncomfortable to ask them and plead with them but it’s your responsibility. Get exposed to a healthy immune system Monday October 24th. LINK TO SIGN UP!