Supine Foot Circles and Point Flexes help restore strength and range of motion to our ankles and help teach our feet and ankles to work with our knees, hips, and shoulders.
***To do Supine Foot Circles and Point Flexes, start by lying on your back on the floor or yoga mat. Extend one leg straight out along the floor and bend the other leg bringing your knee up toward your chest. Interlace your fingers together behind your knee and relax your shoulders. Keep the foot on the floor pointed straight up at the ceiling (not turned out).
While keeping your legs completely still, rotate the elevated foot around in circles one direction. Make the circles deliberate and use your ankle, foot, and toes. The goal is to build up to 40 \circles but you may have to start with less and build up as you get stronger. After circling your foot one direction for the desired number of repetitions, reverse the direction and circle your foot and ankle the other direction for the same number of repetitions.
After completing circles in each direction, you can move onto the point and flex. Point your foot and toes away from you and then flex your foot and toes back towards you. Repeat for 40 repetitions.
After you’ve completed the foot circles and point flexes with one leg, switch legs and repeat with your other leg. Supine foot circles and point flexes restore normal strength, endurance, and range of motion to your ankle and foot. When during supine foot circles and point flexes, you have one hip and knee in flexion while the other side is in extension which helps to restore normal hip and knee function which is essential for walking and running.