Nutrient imbalance or deficiency
1. Upsets the mineral relationships in your body14
2. Causes chromium deficiency15
3. Interferes with the absorption of calcium and magnesium16
4. Increases total cholesterol, triglycerides, and bad cholesterol levels17
5. Decreases good cholesterol levels18
6. Lowers vitamin E levels19
Behavioral changes
7. Leads to addiction and intoxication, similar to alcohol20,21
8. Increases hyperactivity22 and depressive symptoms23
9. Causes difficulty in concentrating and drowsiness24
10. Reduces learning capacity and can cause learning disorders25
11. Increases the risk for antisocial behavior26
12. Decreases emotional stability27
13. Increases the risk for alcoholism28
Increased risk of diseases
14. Promotes cancer cell growth29
15. Increases fasting levels of glucose30,31
16. Increases blood pressure levels32
17. increases platelet adhesion, which could put you at risk of arterial thrombotic conditions33
18. Leads to the formation of kidney stones and gallstones34,35
19. Promotes excessive food intake through rapid sugar absorption36
20. Increases the risk for obesity37
21. Decreases insulin sensitivity, leading to high insulin levels and eventually diabetes38
22. Causes reactive hypoglycemia39
23. Triggers dizziness40 and headaches, including migraines41
24. Makes you more prone to gastrointestinal tract problems42
25. Promotes chronic degenerative diseases43
26. Causes atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases44
27. Causes cataracts and nearsightedness45
28. May lead to autoimmune diseases like arthritis, asthma and multiple sclerosis46
29. Increases the risk for lung cancer47
30. Contributes to osteoporosis48
31. Promotes the progression of Parkinson’s disease49
32. Increases the risk of gout and Alzheimer’s disease50,51
33. Increases the acidity of the saliva and causes tooth decay and periodontal diseases52,53
34. Promotes uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infection)54
35. Leads to toxemia in pregnancy55
36. Worsens symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)56
37. May lead to epileptic seizures57
Bodily impairments
38. Impairs metabolic processes in a normal healthy individual58
39. Suppresses the immune system, which increases the risk of contracting infectious diseases59
40. Reduces tissue elasticity and function60
41. Leads to weaker eyesight61
42. Accelerate aging62
43. Increases advanced glycation end products wherein sugar molecules attach to proteins and end up damaging them63
44. Impairs DNA and collagen structure64
45. Alters collagen structure65
46. Worsens signs of skin aging66
47. Lowers the ability of your enzymes to function67
48. Promotes fat accumulation in the liver68
49. Increases the risk for kidney and pancreatic damage69,70
50. Contributes to salt and fluid retention71
51. Affects urinary electrolyte composition72
52. Impairs normal function of the adrenal glands73
53. Compromises lining of capillaries74
54. Weakens your tendons75
55. Can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves, which results in the inability to think clearly76
56. Causes hormonal imbalances77,78
57. Increases free radicals and oxidative stress79
58. Leads to a substantial decrease in gestation, with a twofold increased risk for delivering a small-for-gestational-age infant80
59. Causes dehydration among newborns81
60. Affects carbon dioxide production when given to infants82